RIVERTAIN HOTEL [Korea Quality] / 리버틴호텔 [한국관광 품질인증]

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Daegu Jung-gu, RIVERTAIN HOTEL [Korea Quality] / 리버틴호텔 [한국관광 품질인증] using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Rivertain Hotel Daegu is one of the best business hotels you can find in the city in terms of quality of the facilities, pleasantness, and convenience. All the guestrooms are finished with environment-friendly materials and furnished with 'Ace Bed,' the most popular bed brand in Korea, anti-allergy goose down blankets, and top-quality linen sheets to ensure that the guests have a good night’s sleep, including the steam clothing care system 'Styler' for business travelers. There are also two free bottles of drinking water in each room. The hotel serves breakfast consisting of steamed rice, soup, side dishes, toast, cereals, and eggs that are cooked on the spot. It’s very conveniently located close to the City Hall, around which are lots of places for dining, touring, and shopping. Thanks to various means of public transportation in the vicinity of the hotel, it’s also very easy to get to many tourist destinations in the city. Geundae-ro, Jung-gu, one of the Top 100 Tourist Attractions in Korea, is within walking distance from the hotel. Popular tourist destinations in the vicinity of the hotel include Seomun Market, Kim Gwangseok-gil Street, Fashion Oriental Medicine Road, and Bongsan Culture Street.



Address [Map]

193, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu