Gukje Market Food Street (국제시장 먹자골목)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Busan Jung-gu, Gukje Market Food Street (국제시장 먹자골목) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Gukje Market Food Street boasts over 60 years of history. It offers delicious Korean food such as gimbap, sundae (Korean blood sausage), and noodles. The open seating and street dining are representative characteristics of the traditional marketplace. The area specialty is Chungmu Gimbap (rolls made of dried seaweed stuffed with rice and served with spicy radish and boiled squid) and is wildly popular among Koreans and international tourists.



Address [Map]

36, Junggu-ro, Jung-gu, Busan