Published 2012-06-16 Updated 2021-12-16 View 15223
We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gwangju Nam-gu, Lee Jang-woo's House (이장우 가옥) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.
Designated the first Gwangju Folk Material on March 20, 1989, Lee Jang-woo's House is an upper-class, tile-roofed house with a gate, storeroom, servants’ quarters, detached building, and main building. The building is estimated to have been constructed in 1899 and is overall a sturdy example of Korean architecture, well-preserved in its original state. The L-shaped main hall of the historic building is rather large and consists of (left to right) a wooden verandah, a small room, a hall, the main room, a kitchen, and another small room. The room doors are double doors with a sliding door on the inside and a hinged door on the outside. The hall also has partitions that can be hung up as necessary.
21, Yangchon-gil, Nam-gu, Gwangju
1 Seomun-daero 627beonan-gil, Nam-gu, Gwangju
7, Seoseopyeong-gil, Nam-gu, Gwangju
7 , Cheonbyeonjwa-ro 446beon-gil, Nam-gu, Gwangju
3-6 Cheonbyeonjwa-ro 364beon-gil, Nam-gu, Gwangju
77, Jejung-ro, Nam-gu, Gwangju