Gunnam Flood Control Theme Park (군남홍수조절지 두루미테마파크)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeonggi-do Yeoncheon-gun, Gunnam Flood Control Theme Park (군남홍수조절지 두루미테마파크) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

The Gunnam Flood Control Site is situated near the border between North and South Korea just six kilometers away from the demarcation line. More than 97% of the land around the Gunnam flood control dam is part of North Korea. The site is effective in controlling the flooding of the Imjingang River and improving irregular water flow. This area is a key wintering site for various migratory birds such as white-naped cranes, and hooded cranes, with up to 200 birds spending every winter in the area. Given the unique characteristics created by the geographical condition of the area near the border between South and North Korea and the natural environment of the Imjingang River, the site is a great natural ecological habitat for various wildlife.

The Gunnam Flood Control Theme Park features “The Story of Peace and Love told by Cranes” as its theme. Various story-telling facilities are installed, such as the drum of peace, a wishing tree, and crane structures. There are also outstanding facilities to minimize impact on the environment, such as an alternative habitat for cranes, fishway ecology, and ecological wetlands. The facility makes it a great place to learn about and experience ecology.


Detailed Information

Tour Course Information
* Durumi-gil (Crane Road) (30 km)
* Taepung-gil (Typhoon Road) (23 km)
* Park Promenade (3 km)

Address [Map]

Gunnam-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do