Gapgotdon Watchtower (갑곶돈대)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Incheon Ganghwa-gun, Gapgotdon Watchtower (갑곶돈대) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Gapgotdon Watchtower was built to protect the Ganghwa Straits from invasion when the Goryeo Kingdom moved their capital to Ganghwado Island. The fortified area served as a highly strategic location for the Goryeo Kingdom, and had endured multiple invasions by the Mongolian troops between 1232 and 1270.

The watchtower was fortified in the Joseon dynasty by King Sukjong in 1679 and had once fallen during the French campaign against Korea in 1866. In 1977, the site was restored to its original form. The cannons exhibited at the current site were made during the Joseon dynasty to attack outside invaders from sea.



Detailed Information


Parking Fees

Address [Map]

18, Haeandong-ro 1366beon-gil, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon