Naewonam Hermitage (Ulsan) (내원암 (울산))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Ulsan Ulju-gun, Naewonam Hermitage (Ulsan) (내원암 (울산)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Naewonam Hermitage is located on Daeunsan Mountain in Ulsan. Daewonsa, the once head temple of this hermitage, was located at the entrance to the complex, but only the remains exist today. The valley around the hermitage is famous for its clean and clear waters. The 500-year-old nettle tree within the hermitage grounds catches the eye for resembling an elephant. An annual music concert performed by Buddhist monks from Ulsan City takes place at Naewonam Hermitage.



Detailed Information


Interpretation Services Offered

Address [Map]

382, Daeunsangdae-gil, Onyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan