Paryeongsan Recreational Forest (팔영산자연휴양림)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Jeollanam-do Goheung-gun, Paryeongsan Recreational Forest (팔영산자연휴양림) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Paryeongsan Recreational Forest consists mainly of oak trees like the cork oak and oriental chestnut oak, and offers a great view of Palyeongsan Mountain and the surrounding area. The accommodation facilities include one forest cultural center with eight rooms, and nine separate cabins in the forest. Many people visit the recreational forest to relax in the valley during the summer months or hike up to the summit of Paryeongsan Mountain, where visitors can see rocky cliffs, Yeojaman Bay, the Korean archipelago, and the sunrise. Nearby attractions include Yongbawi Rock, Namyeol Beach and Neunggasa Temple.




Detailed Information

Hiking Course
[Course 1] Approx. 4 hr 30 min
[Course 2] Approx. 5 hr
[Course 3] Approx. 4 hr

Admission Fees

Available Facilities
Accommodations, parking lots, restrooms, shower booth, drinking fountains, campground, pergolas, exercise facilities, etc.


Parking Fees
Small & mid-sized cars: 3,000 won
Large vehicles: 5,000 won

* Free parking for guests using park accommodations

Address [Map]

1347-418, Paryeong-ro, Goheung-gun, Jeollanam-do