Pak Kyongni House (박경리문학공원)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gangwon-do Wonju-si, Pak Kyongni House (박경리문학공원) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Pak Kyongni House is a place to explore the life and works of prominent novelist Pak Kyongni. The house's theme was based on Pak Kyongni's well-known novel "Toji" (The Land).The site used to be her old house before it was converted into a park. Covering an area of 10,578.51 ㎡, the garden and the house have been maintained in their original state. The park also features three themed areas recreated from the book: Hongi Dongsan, Pyeongsa-ri Madang, and Yongdurebeol.




Detailed Information

Admission Fees

Available Facilities
Pak Kyongni House, Pyeongsa-ri Madang, Hongi Dongsan, Yongdurebeol, Book Cafe, old house of Pak Kyongni


Address [Map]

1, Toji-gil, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do