Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine (대구약령시 한의약박물관)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Daegu Jung-gu, Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine (대구약령시 한의약박물관) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine continues to provide an opportunity to experience the 350-year-old traditions of Oriental medicine and medicine markets through multiple exhibitions and various hands-on experience programs. The museum provides graphics and animation shows in four languages. The first floor also houses the nation’s only wholesale market of Hanyakjae medicinal herbs.


dgom.daegu.go.kr (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

Detailed Information

Admission Fees
Free (separate fees apply to some programs)

Available Facilities
History of Oriental Medicine Exhibition, Oriental Medicine Hands-on Experience Zone, Feet bathing in herbal medicine room, etc.


Parking Fees
Yangnyeongsi East Gate parking lot
- 08:00-19:00 
- 500 won for first 30 min, 250 won every 10 min. after. Free after 19:00

Yangnyeongsi West Gate parking lot
- 08:00-18:00
- 500 won for first 30 min, 250 won every 10 min. after. Free on weekends and national holidays.

Yangnyeongsi paid parking lot
- 08:00-20:00
- 1,000 won, 300 won every 10 min. after
- 1 hr free parking if visiting the Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine 

Facilities for the Handicapped

Reservation Info. for Foreigners
Available with advance reservations.

Interpretation Services Offered
English, Japanese, Chinese audio guide rental service (3F Information Center)
Experience program available, inquire to the interpreter

Address [Map]

49, Dalgubeol-daero 415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu