Hyundai Heavy Industries Ulsan Factory (현대중공업 울산공장)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Ulsan Dong-gu, Hyundai Heavy Industries Ulsan Factory (현대중공업 울산공장) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Hyundai Heavy Industries is one of the greatest shipbuilding companies in the world. With its growing technology, Hyundai Heavy Industries contributes in national economic growth and has become as one of world’s greatest complex corporations by advancing in numerous industries such as marine, plant, machine, electrical machinery and appliance, and construction equipment business. Visitors can get a tour around Hyundai Industries' power plant and shipbuilding complex; reservation in advance is required.



Homepage (Korean, English)

Detailed Information

Admission Fees


Interpretation Services Offered
English guided tour available; visitors must be accompanied by a personal interpretor for other languages.

Reservation Info. for Foreigners
Contact Hyundai Heavy Industries Ulsan Factory directly for reservation inquiries.

Address [Map]

1000, Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Dong-gu, Ulsan