Uljin Bulyeongsa Temple (불영사(울진))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeongsangbuk-do Uljin-gun, Uljin Bulyeongsa Temple (불영사(울진)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Bulyeongsa Temple, located at the western foot of Cheonchuksan Mountain in Uljin, Gyeongsangbuk-do, was built during the Silla period. ‘Bulyeongsa’ means ‘the reflection of Buddha’s shadow on the pond.’ A lovely path leads from the parking area to the temple, and a beautiful pond and green farm in the courtyard give the temple, inhabited by Buddhist nuns, a cozy and welcoming feeling.

The 13 km-long Bulyeongsa Valley is also found around Bulyeongsa Temple. With unique rock formations and thick forest, the valley creates an almost mystical atmosphere. Even though Bulyeongsa Valley is not as magnificent or splendid as Cheonbuldong Valley at Seoraksan Mountain or Mureung Valley and Bogyeongsa Valley at Odaesan Mountain, it offers a serene and beautiful view against the backdrop of Cheonchuksan Mountain.





Detailed Information

Hiking Course
* Course 1 (Required time: 4 hrs): Seongnyugul cave - Uljin

* Course 2 (Required time: 5 hrs): Baegam hot spring - Uljin

Admission Fees
Individuals: Adults 2,000 won / Teenagers 1,500 won / Children 1,000 won

* 10% discount to groups of 30 people or more
* Adult (ages 19-65) / Teeenagers (ages 14-18) / Children (ages 8-13)
* Free admission: Senior citizens


Address [Map]

48, Buryeongsa-gil, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do