Hwamunseok Cultural Center (강화화문석문화관)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Incheon Ganghwa-gun, Hwamunseok Cultural Center (강화화문석문화관) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Ganghwa Hwamunseok, Korea's only rush-weaving handicraft, is a cultural legacy inherited from the Goryeo period, and is a product that is exclusively produced in Ganghwa-gun. To preserve and develop its historic rush-weaving handicrafts, Ganghwa-gun constructed Hwamunseok Cultural Center at Yango-ri in Songhae-myeon, the craft's place of origin. Visitors to the cultural center will be able to view the individual features and transformations of Hwamunseok in addition to the past, present and future of rush-weaving handicrafts.





Detailed Information

Program Information
[Rush-made handicrafts: cell phone charm]
Fee: Individual 5,000 won / Group (over 20 persons) 4,000 won

[Mini Hwamunseok]
Fee: Individual 5,000 won / Group (over 20 persons) 4,000 won
* Reservation for hands-on program is available via the website.

Reservation required for group visits.

Address [Map]

413, Jangjeongyango-gil, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon

Kakao 맵으로 이동(새창열림)