Naganeupseong Folk Culture Festival (낙안읍성 민속문화축제)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Jeollanam-do Suncheon-si, Naganeupseong Folk Culture Festival (낙안읍성 민속문화축제) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Naganeupseong Folk Culture Festival is held in Naganeupseong Folk Village, Historic Site No. 302, featuring various programs that allow visitors to experience traditional folk food, gugak performances, circus acts and much more. There will also be historical events such as Baekjungnori (folk play), a recreation of the fortress construction, a horseback parade, and many other events.



Homepage (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

Detailed Information

Naganeupseong Folk Culture Festival is held in Naganeupseong Folk Village, Historic Site No. 302, featuring various programs that allow visitors to experience traditional folk food, gugak performances, circus acts and much more. There will also be historical events such as Baekjungnori (folk play), a recreation of the fortress construction, a horseback parade, and many other events.

Address [Map]

30 Chungmin-gil, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do