Icheon Rice Cultural Festival (이천쌀문화축제)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeonggi-do Icheon-si, Icheon Rice Cultural Festival (이천쌀문화축제) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Icheon is famous for producing the best rice in Korea. In fact, Icheon rice is so good that it used to be served to the kings of Korea in the past, and is still highly thought of today. The Icheon Rice Culture Festival celebrates its famous rice and also the local agricultural practices. Eleven themed yards provide various activities and events for festivalgoers. Rice from a huge rice cauldron that can feed up to 2,000 people is sold for 2,000 won and bar rice cake 600 meters in length is cut and shared.





Detailed Information

Icheon is famous for producing the best rice in Korea. In fact, Icheon rice is so good that it used to be served to the kings of Korea in the past, and is still highly thought of today. The Icheon Rice Culture Festival celebrates its famous rice and also the local agricultural practices. Eleven themed yards provide various activities and events for festivalgoers. Rice from a huge rice cauldron that can feed up to 2,000 people is sold for 2,000 won and bar rice cake 600 meters in length is cut and shared.

Rice threshing, rice planting, making bar rice cake, king parade, etc.

Address [Map]

48 Gongwon-ro, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do