Passion 5 (패션5)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Seoul Yongsan-gu, Passion 5 (패션5) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Passion 5 is located near Hangangjin Station in Hannam-dong and is a premium dessert café & gallery launched by SPC Group. The Passion 5 bakery brings a whole new culture of after-dining, providing customers with a diverse selection of delicious desserts including hand-made chocolates and puddings. Visitors can enjoy their treats in a gallery atmosphere.

The name Passion 5 comes from the combining of five elements: the bakery, patisserie, chocolates and café. The final element is the passion of those who create the desserts. The desserts are exquisitely designed and each element has its own unique atmosphere. In addition to the wonderful items from the bakery, there are usually 300 to 400 dessert items to choose from including cakes, puddings and chocolates.



Homepage (Korean only)

Address [Map]

272, Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul