Guibin Dolsotbap (귀빈돌솥밥)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Daejeon Jung-gu, Guibin Dolsotbap (귀빈돌솥밥) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Guibin Dolsotbap is one of the top restaurants in Daejeon and one of the very first to offer dolsotbap (rice in sizzling stone bowl) meals. The restaurant was first opened in Daeheung-dong and later moved to the current location. Tables are set with 17 types of different side dishes. This restaurant serves vegetarian dishes cooked in traditional Jeonju style. All the dishes have mild flavors and are not spicy, so they are suitable for children, seniors, and foreigners. The dining halls on the first floor to the third floor are also appropriate for important gatherings or dining occasions.



Detailed Information


Address [Map]

51, Junggyo-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon