Pildong Myeonok (필동면옥)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Seoul Jung-gu, Pildong Myeonok (필동면옥) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Most foods from the northern region are characterized by their mild taste. In particular, Pyeongyang-style cold buckwheat noodles has a milder flavor compared to Hamheung-style cold noodles. Pildong Myeonok's cold buckwheat noodles may taste bland for those who are used to stronger flavors or seasonings, but it is praised by others who prefer mild flavors. The refreshing after taste of broth and chewy noodles are enough to delight one's tastebuds.

Pyeongyang-style dumplings is another popular dish at Pildong Myeonok.



Detailed Information


Address [Map]

26, Seoae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul