Chadolbakhin Jjukkumi(Jongro Branch)(차돌박힌쭈꾸미(종로점))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Seoul Jongno-gu, Chadolbakhin Jjukkumi(Jongro Branch)(차돌박힌쭈꾸미(종로점)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

You can eat jjukumi (webfoot octopus) with cheese fondue. The best menu at this restaurant is Stir-fried Webfoot Octopus. This is a Korean cuisine located in Jongno , Seoul.



Address [Map]

2F, 47-1, Samil-daero 17-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul