Heotjesabap Kkachi Gunmeongjip (헛제사밥까치구멍집 )

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeongsangbuk-do Andong-si, Heotjesabap Kkachi Gunmeongjip (헛제사밥까치구멍집 ) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Heotjesabap Kkachi Gumeongjip is a popular restaurant located in Andong, serving yangbansang (yangban table set) fit for the aristocracy. The restaurant interior design features a traditional hanok floor, bringing the aristocratic feeling to life. One of the most popular dishes is hoetjesabap (Andong-style bibimbap). Heotjesabap coloring is not vibrant, but the dish is flavorful, with vegetables and jeon (savory pancakes) piled atop rice. The restaurant, with traditional tiles and designs, producing a feel of gentle harmony and overall traditional beauty coupled with a modern feel.




andongrice.com (Korean only)

Detailed Information

Unisex / located within the restaurant

Address [Map]

203, Seokju-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do