TIME - Lotte Department Store Centum City Branch (타임 (롯데백화점 센텀시티점))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Busan Haeundae-gu, TIME - Lotte Department Store Centum City Branch (타임 (롯데백화점 센텀시티점)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

TIME was launched in February 1993 and was introduced in the Lotte Department Store in April 1993. It focuses on sophisticated women's suits using luxurious fabrics. TIME fashion boasts styles that naturally accentuate a woman's curves.




www.time.co.kr (Korean, English)

Detailed Information

Available Brands

Tax Refund Information
Tax refund certificates are issued at the customer service center on the 7th floor of the Dept. Store. Visitors must show receipts totaling 30,000 KRW or more.

Ways to Shop
Both offline and online (www.lotte.com) purchase available

Address [Map]

59, Centum nam-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan