We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Seoul Mapo-gu, DAWON using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Korea Dawon Hoganbo is a store specializing in Korea Hoganbo and Korea Tonghyeolbo, which are health supplements made by Dr. Na Cheon-su, a leading researcher on Oriental raisin tree. The products are better known in China than Korea because they were developed with China as the target market. It's a chain of stores in Seoul, Jeju, and Busan as well as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Macau, with an exclusive distributor in Hong Kong. Many group tourists visit the store to buy the products, and some of them include American and Canadian tourists. The stores have received the “USD5 Million Export Tower Award” for having the best-selling Oriental raisin tree products in Korea. Salespeople at the stores are mostly locals to serve the customers better. The stores also have facilities for the physically challenged.





Address [Map]

83, Bangullae-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul