Shin Yang Park Hotel (신양파크호텔)

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Situated in Mudeung Mountain, Shin Yang Park Hotel is a destination recommended for those who wish to get away from the city and relax among beautiful natural surroundings. Guests can enjoy a panoramic view of Gwangju City from the hotel and explore Mudeung Mountain by following the hiking trail next to the hotel. Located close to the Hanam Highway and the 2nd beltway, the hotel offers easy access (20-30 minutes driving distance) to some of the primary locations of Gwangju City (airport, express terminal, convention center, and Gwangju Biennale).

Shin Yang Park Hotel has 87 guestrooms: 50 Western-style rooms, 24 Korean-style rooms, and 13 simple but beautiful suites. On the 6th floor guests will find a Chinese restaurant and bar where they can enjoy a clear view of Gwangju.

On Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays the hotel offers a buffet, which has become so popular that there is always a long line each time it opens. Other amenities include a banquet hall equipped with the latest lighting and audio equipment, beam projectors, and moving lights, making it a perfect place for guests to hold special events.

Of particular note among the hotel facilities is its fitness center, the only membership fitness center in Gwangju. The fitness center boasts free aerobic, yoga, and swimming classes for members and state-of-the-art fitness facilities like a 5-lane swimming pool and a sauna. Health club members can also receive a 50% discount when using the golf driving course and enjoy discounts on hotel room rates and meals.

Le téléphone


Page d'accueil (Korean, English)

Adresse [Carte]

214-7, Jiho-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju

Kakao 맵으로 이동(새창열림)