LikeU guesthouse

Nous utilisons les données publiques de l`Organisation coréenne du tourisme pour fournir diverses informations, telles que des sites Web, des informations de contact, des informations d`utilisation et l`emplacement (carte) de LikeU guesthouse

LikeU is a guesthouse in Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, one of the downtown areas of Seoul that’s popular among young people. It's within a 2-minute walk from Hongik Univ. Station on Subway Line 2. For this reason, majority of the guests are young people from Hong Kong and Singapore. The owner of the guesthouse goes the extra mile to make sure that the rooms, beds, sheets, and blankets are clean, so the minimum length of stay is 3 days. All the guestrooms are two-story rooms for more space. There is a washing machine in each of the rooms for the convenience of the guests. Use of the washing machine is free.

Le téléphone


Adresse [Carte]

5 FL, 53, Wausan-ro 35-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul