Baek Man Seok (백만석)

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Baek Man Seok specializes in sea squirt bibimbap, a specialty of Geojedo Island. When ordered, the rice comes in a separate bowl where you can mix in frozen sea squirts, seaweed, sesame salt powder, and sesame oil. Simply put the rice into the bowl to mix. The bibimbap may be a little bitter at first due to the sea squirt, but it soon becomes sweet as the fragrance of the sea squirts begins to fill the mouth. It is located next to the parking lot of Geoje prisoner-of-war camp and near Geoje City Hall.

Le téléphone


Page d'accueil (Korean only)

Informations détaillées

Located inside the restaurant / separated by gender

Adresse [Carte]

47, Gyeryong-ro, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do