Spa la Spa (Konjiam Resort) (스파라스파 (곤지암리조트))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeonggi-do Gwangju-si, Spa la Spa (Konjiam Resort) (스파라스파 (곤지암리조트)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Located in Konjiam Resort, Spa la Spa consists of Wellness Spa, Family Spa, and WHOO (Hu) Spa Palace. The Wellness Spa, run by health professionals, is a comprehensive program of exercise, nutrition, stress management, and spa services. The Family Spa consists of an indoor pool, a therapy space, and a meditation garden. The WHOO (Hu) Spa Palace is a premium spa facility offering individually customized skincare treatment using medicinal herbs and Oriental massage techniques.



Homepage (Korean, English)

Detailed Information


Address [Map]

278, Docheogwit-ro, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do