Nami Recreational Forest (남이자연휴양림)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Chungcheongnam-do Geumsan-gun, Nami Recreational Forest (남이자연휴양림) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Nami Recreational Forest is the perfect place for leisure activities and family outings. The forest boasts a picture-perfect view of thick, green forests of broadleaf trees, crystal clear water, curiously shaped rocks, and waterfalls. The cliffs and rocks of Daedunsan Mountain are visible from the summit of Seonyabong Peak.

Near the forest are diverse cultural heritage sites such as Baengnyeong Holy Ground and Yukbaekgoji Victory Tower. Nami Recreational Forest provides visitors with a unique combination of cultural sites and natural beauty, making it a popular destination among visitors.




Detailed Information

Available Facilities
Cabins, training facilities, campgrounds, playgrounds, etc.

Admission Fees


Parking Fees
Free for under 30 min / 600 won for under 60 min
300 won charged for each additional 30 min
* Max daily fee: 7,000 won

Address [Map]

200, Neutigol-gil, Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do