Jwagusan Recreational Forest (좌구산 자연휴양림)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Chungcheongbuk-do Jeungpyeong-gun, Jwagusan Recreational Forest (좌구산 자연휴양림) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Jwagusan Recreational Forest is located at the foot of Jwagusan Mountain (alt. 657 meters). The name of the mountain means a sitting turtle because of the shape of the mountain. The lush forest along the hiking trail offers a refreshing stroll through the woods and the nearby Samgi Reservoir adds to the picturesque beauty of the mountain on misty days. The forest offers easy access to many recreational facilities in the area including a resort village, Samgi Reservoir, a woodland park, and a mountain bike course.





Detailed Information


Address [Map]

107, Sotjeommal-gil, Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do