Sancheong Hwangmaesan Mountain (황매산(산청))

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeongsangnam-do Sancheong-gun, Sancheong Hwangmaesan Mountain (황매산(산청)) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

One of the last mountains of the Taebaek Mountain Range, Hwangmaesan Mountain is located in Sancheong, Gyeongsangnam-do. The mountain features fantastic rock formations and a beautiful vista from the summit that resembles arpricot blossoms. It is said that anyone who prays from the summit will have their wish come true, drawing in plenty of earnest hikers. In May, a large field near the summit is covered in vibrant pink royal azaleas. Attractions on the mountain include Bakjwigol Valley, Norubawi, Heundeulbawi, Janggunbawi, Chotdaebawi, Geobukbawi and Sinseonbawi Rocks among others.




Detailed Information

Hiking Course
[Royal Azalea Habitat Course]
[Cheonwangjae Pass Course]
[Full Course]

Night-time Hike Restriction Notice
Nighttime hiking prohibited to protect the natural environment and the safety of all hikers

Address [Map]

Hwangmaesan-ro 1202beon-gil, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do