Paldangho Lake (팔당호)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gyeonggi-do Gwangju-si, Paldangho Lake (팔당호) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Paldangho, a man-made lake, lies beside the townships of Toechon-myeon and Namjong-myeon in Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do. Completed in 1973, this reservoir stores approximately 250 million tons of water, which is supplied to the Seoul and Gyeonggi regions. It is also one of Gwangju's tourist attractions, offering an inspiring view and a scenic lakeside drive. Don’t miss a stop at the Paldang Observatory for a breathtaking view of Paldangho Lake.




Address [Map]

Namjong-myeon, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do