Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dream (다대포 꿈의 낙조분수)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Busan Saha-gu, Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dream (다대포 꿈의 낙조분수) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dreams is located at the plaza of Dadaepo Beach. The music fountain, the first of its kind in Busan, shoots water up to 55 m above the ground and displays a choreographed show of water dancing along with the background music. Most fountain shows in the world are located within a lake or small pool, which makes this fountain stand out for being performed straight out of an open plaza. From April to October, visitors can watch a fantastic fusion of sound, light and water along with various cultural events, performed nearby.



Homepage (Korean only)

Detailed Information


Address [Map]

14, Morundae 1-gil, Saha-gu, Busan