Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel (금수장관광호텔)

Nous utilisons les données publiques de l`Organisation coréenne du tourisme pour fournir diverses informations, telles que des sites Web, des informations de contact, des informations d`utilisation et l`emplacement (carte) de Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel (금수장관광호텔)

Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel is located in the old downtown center, just a seven-minute walk from Gwangju Station. It is known as the best "business hotel with expert Korean cuisine.” It has clean and comfortable guestrooms, other convenient facilities, an organized-customer management system, economic rates, and excellent service.

Le téléphone


Page d'accueil (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

Adresse [Carte]

2, Mudeung-ro 321beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju

Kakao 맵으로 이동(새창열림)