Center of Korea Observatory (국토정중앙천문대)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gangwon-do Yanggu-gun, Center of Korea Observatory (국토정중앙천문대) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

The Center of Korea Observatory in Yanggu-gun is named for its location at the center of the Korean Peninsula. It is equipped with an 80-centimeter reflecting telescope. There is also an exhibition hall providing the most recent astronomy news, a planetarium showing the night sky, and a range of hands-on programs.




Detailed Information

Admission Fees
Individuals - Adults 2,000 won / Children 1,000 won
Groups - Adults 1,500 won / Children 500 won

* Adults (ages 20-64) / Children (ages 7-19)
* Groups - 30 people or more
* Free admission: Preschoolers (ages 6 & younger), senior citizens (ages 65 & older)

Available Facilities
Observatory, celestial projection room, video room, exhibition hall, gift shop, convenience store, grass square, etc.


Address [Map]

127, Guktojeongjungang-ro, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do