Gwangchi Recreational Forest (광치자연휴양림)

We provide various information such as the website, contact information, usage information, and location (map) of Gangwon-do Yanggu-gun, Gwangchi Recreational Forest (광치자연휴양림) using public data of Korea Tourism Organization.

Gwangchi Recreational Forest is located near Gwangchiryeong Pass (alt. 800 meters). The pass encompasses waterfalls and valleys in a dense forest. Gwangchi Tunnel connects the areas of Yanggu and Inje to the East Sea, making the forest a great addition to travel itineraries. The recreational area serves as a retreat for residents and helps to support the local economy through tourism.




Detailed Information

Admission Fees
Adults 2,000 won / Teenagers 1,500 won / Children 1,000 won

Adults 1,500 won / Teenagers 1,000 won / Children 500 won

* Group rate applies to 30 people or more.

Available Facilities
Forest Culture Hall, Forest Cabin, walking path, hiking path

Facility Utilization Fees
[Forest Culture Hall]
40,000-60,000 won

[Forest Cabin]
Peak season 55,000-140,000 won
Off season 40,000-110,000 won

[Forest Experience Center]
Peak season 13,000-15,000 won
Off season 10,000-13,000 won


Parking Fees
[Peak Season (July 1-August 31) & weekends and holidays]
Light-weight car 2,000 won
Small-sized car 3,000 won
Middle-sized car 4,000 won
Large-sized car 5,000 won

[Off-season (September 1-June 30) & weekdays]
Light-weight car 1,500 won
Small-sized car 2,000 won
Middle-sized car 3,000 won
Large-sized car 4,000 won

Reservation Info. for Natives
Online reservation

Address [Map]

265, Gwangchiryeong-ro 1794beon-gil, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do